I have my allocation coming in later this month and over the weekend the dealer gave me a 1 month window: 7/5-8/5. Instead of bugging my dealer frequently for updates and since my dealer removes the allocated units from their inventory, I decided to track some data from a dealer in the region that keeps their inventory on Lexus.com. To give me the best comparison to how my vehicle delivery date could be changing, I chose a dealer within the GST distribution area, similar VIN numbers indicating similar build dates, and GXs that had window stickers created the same day as mine (and therefore likely made it to Long Beach on the same day, 6/23).
I like data, so I’ll keep this updated for those that have curiosity on the movement timelines once stateside.
The Y axis is the July date. 1.5 = afternoon of July 1st.
I like data, so I’ll keep this updated for those that have curiosity on the movement timelines once stateside.
The Y axis is the July date. 1.5 = afternoon of July 1st.