Search results

  1. SEVC OT+

    Boss Request

    Did you agree to take any Overtrail + color previously, or have you told them you're only interested in Nori Green and that color was specific on your allocation request? Maybe she needs to talk to the manager (boss) to get your desires on the allocation list changed? Or she completely made...
  2. SEVC OT+

    GX 550 Vehicle Safety Control System Alert in App

    Haven’t taken delivery yet, but I see that same error message on the Lexus app for my GX. Hopefully will get my OT+ within a week or so (been at Jax port for a week already). Curious to know if it’s just a glitch or something that needs to be addressed in the car. Will bring it up to dealer if...
  3. SEVC OT+

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    TexLex, did you ever figure out what that error was from, have you gotten your GX yet to check it? I just looked on the app today and saw the same error message for my OT+ that reached Jax port last weekend (delivery should be in the next week or so). Has anyone else had that message appear on...
  4. SEVC OT+

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    Mine had a $699 tint on the latest price sheet for my OT+ - I asked them to remove it as I'm doing full ceramic tint and they said they will take it off once the vehicle arrives in the next week or so.
  5. SEVC OT+

    Deposit Made!!!

    Roof rack is a port installed option so prob can get that removed if your dealer is nice. The HUD is factory installed and Lexus is apparently making all if not most of them with those built in. If it’s in the spec already likely won’t be able to remove that without having to get another car...
  6. SEVC OT+


    Get on the list at multiple dealerships, that will increase your chances of getting an allocation or getting a call if anyone backs out of their allocation.
  7. SEVC OT+

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    Why is this still being propagated as an implied issue the GX? There is absolutely no evidence from anyone there’s a problem with the current engines.
  8. SEVC OT+

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    I had an informal conversation with someone above the dealer level at Lexus a couple days ago. It sounds like sunroof drain was major issue for hold (they didn't mention the paint issue, but obviously that's an issue too for some vehicles). They’re starting to move held GX's to dealers now and...
  9. SEVC OT+

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    Depends a bit on where in the country you live, what port the car comes into, the number of port-installed options, etc. My OT+ was built on 6/6 and yesterday I just got a delivery window of 7/16-8/5. I live in GA, coming through Jacksonville port
  10. SEVC OT+

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    lol, that’s a distinct possibility, trying to be at least cautiously optimistic.
  11. SEVC OT+

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    I just heard from my dealer this afternoon that my OT+ is headed here (build date 6/6, ETA July), I asked if there was a hold and he said there was not one currently on mine, but there has been on earlier builds. Here's hoping that mine doesn't get stuck too and the ones currently in hold get...
  12. SEVC OT+

    Rock Sliders

    Rock rails are a port-installed option, so there is a window of time (before it gets to port) where things can be added or removed. It depends on the dealer whether they want to be helpful and put in extra effort or not.
  13. SEVC OT+

    Don’t buy B4 driving!

    Sorry you had such a bad experience, definitely understandable you're wanting out. Due to your experience, I'll be sure to drive mine once it comes in, both on local roads and interstate to make sure. I made sure to test drive the dealer's Premium+ on both types of roads and didn't appreciate...
  14. SEVC OT+

    Port-installed option advice

    Hi, just got word that I have an Overtrail+ coming my way (build date in the next week). I've got the opportunity to add port/dealer-installed options for a bit, so asking - does anyone have any port-installed options on your GX550's that you really like? I've heard the roof rack/cross bars are...
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