I’ve been following the forum for a while - had not heard the comments about the tin door sound. That’s disappointing. The interior I agree has all the charm of the inside of a Maytag washer….
In California - we're still seeing $10-$20K over sticker. There are a couple of dealers that do not charge a mark-up, but they are few and far between with massive waiting lists.
Checking to see if anyone has cracked the nut on the roof rack and noise. Hearing (not pun intended) that the rack at higher speeds is noisy - and looking for ways to mitigate since removing one from a new car (unless the dealer plays ball) might be tough to do. If I'm stuck with it -...
Does anyone have the dimensions on the OT+ with the rear seats folded up as far forward as they will go to the rear tailgate when it is closed. Trying to figure if it is a sleeping length beyond just emergency use.
I have also looked at sound deadening pads that are adhesive you can put around the beams and hood.
There are several styles and thicknesses. I assume a heavier pad you could adhere would work well.
I'm scared to try any spray foam. That stuff expands so fast - could you damage the...
It's been like that for years on the higher end vehicles. Porsche dealers could not add significant mark-up to a GT3 RS, but ones with 120 miles sell at the local dealer for $450K+
You are liable for taxes only WHERE you register - not where you buy. Some states think otherwise though :-)
. I’ve thought about buying and shipping - but would NEVER buy without someone looking at it first - never trust car dealers.
The buckets of people I trust the least in general - anyone associated with a car dealer, realtors, insurance sales people. There are exceptions I'm sure
My favorite is the 'ceramic' protection for the interior. When my wife bought her 750 they tried to push that and a whole series of other things on her. Complete BS -
I had a dealer this week trying to justify a $20K mark up (Lexus Beverly Hills) saying that the GX is so rare. I said - if it's so rare why are they making 40K of them in year 1 for the US? Also asked if he sits awake at night and wonders why most people hate car dealers/sales people :cool: