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  1. N

    Any idea what could have caused this? Driver’s side door interior

    Good to know. If it isn't the seat belt what is it?
  2. N

    Any idea what could have caused this? Driver’s side door interior

    Yeah basically what I've realized is if you don't hold the seatbelt when you release it, it will fly and smack the side of your door and start leaving marks. :(
  3. N

    Any idea what could have caused this? Driver’s side door interior

    Sheesh. Lesson learned, I'm always darting out of the car. I assume its doubtful I can get any relief from Lexus as a design flaw?
  4. N

    Any idea what could have caused this? Driver’s side door interior

    Oh wow. I hadn't thought of that but you may be on to something. I will test. Wild that it would damage so easily from seat belt if true.
  5. N

    Any idea what could have caused this? Driver’s side door interior

    Honestly don’t know exactly when it happened, I’m at 5k miles today. I’ve tried several different cleaning items and the white specs have not come out yet. I don’t drink anything but water in my car. Car has only been out of my possession twice for ceramic coat and then windows tinting. Could...
  6. GX550incpplus.jpg


  7. N

    🏆 GXOTM August 2024 - Lexus GX of the Month starts now!

    My Premium Plus Incognito home in Nashville.
  8. N

    Window tinting

    Not confirmed but usually back windows are around 20%. Most States front windows that dark are technically illegal (in Tennessee where I am 35% is the legal limit for front windows) but it is kind of rarely enforced so most people ignore it.
  9. N

    Window tinting

    Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.
  10. N

    Window tinting

    Anybody tint their front windshield on their GX or other cars before? I'm curious what is a good tint % that offers some protection but doesn't make it too dark driving at night, etc.
  11. N

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    Late to confirm but I got my Premium+ last Tuesday in Nashville. Well worth the wait. I am loving the vehicle.
  12. N

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    Well didn't make the truck today, now showing leaving for delivery 7/2. What's another week at this point? :ROFLMAO:😭
  13. N

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    I suspect they're going to move them through fast. Just a matter of where you are in line, but I bet a majority will get going this week.
  14. N

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    Just got the call - my Premium+ which has been on hold since 5/17 in Jacksonville is showing as released and being loaded on truck for delivery on June 26th. He says it could be in Nashville next week if that holds. He's updating me when he gets official tracking details.
  15. N

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    What port were you at?
  16. N

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    As of Friday afternoon mine is still on hold. My sales guy said none of his holds have been released yet. Wonder if releases could be based on geography and where certain sites are in the process. JAX is our feeder port.
  17. N

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    Congrats! Hopefully a sign we are all seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I'll check in with my guy after noon if there are any updates.
  18. N

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    The paint rumor has been around since the beginning of the holds too, it could be both! But at the end of the day we're forced to speculate because they won't say.
  19. N

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    Some positive signs. How do the logistics work? If I'm at Jacksonville port on hold will mine be routed through Texas before coming to Nashville?
  20. N

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    I'm not overly concerned by a 56-day sit. If it breaks down that quick well I'm screwed anyway. If it gets extended much beyond that I may refuse it though and wait for another batch.
  21. N

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    Well that's an intentional lie. Must be worried about media digging into it!
  22. N

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    Oh yeah my bad. Looked at wrong column.
  23. N

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    Premium +, Incognito, Sunroof, in Jacksonville since 5/17, coming to Nashville, TN. Started with 30 day hold now 56 - I'm told the hold starts from port arrival date of 5/17.
  24. N

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    I can't say I have any official confirmation of that but it would make sense to me that a standard sunroof that opens and shuts might have drainage issues versus what is essentially a sealed off see through roof.
  25. N

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    No Lux+ has a sunroof, they all have the full moon roof. May be related.
  26. N

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    Mine is in Jacksonville too. Fixing them all at once is interesting and would possibly add up. A whole lot to send out to deliver at once when that process is done though.
  27. N

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    I haven't asked but I don't think many if any are coming in. My dealership was previously listing all the incoming GX's on their website (listed as pre-sold). There was about 10 or so on the GX inventory page at any given time. For the last two weeks or so they have 0 GXs posted on the website.
  28. N

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    Agreed. Particularly because if its just the sunroof it is not something I'm worried about long-term. Just telling us this is the issue, here's what we're doing to fix it and why it is taking additional days, and we apologize for the inconvenience but the issue should be resolved soon - would go...
  29. N

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    Welp. Checked in today and my 30 day hold at port that started 05/17 is now a 56 day hold. :cry:
  30. N

    GX550 30 Day Stop Sale?

    I'm a 5/17 port arrival too (30 day hold). I'm texting my guy every Friday afternoon to see if there is an update.