Confused: What are these "Value Adds" ?

Rockies Lexus

New member
Nov 23, 2024
When we first got on our dealers waitlist almost 18mo ago for a specific color and style (Eminent White Pearl & Luxury+), we were informed there wouldn't be any dealer add-on. But now that we FINALLY got allocated for one of the first 2025 GX550s, we were sent the Factory Build sheet along with a cover sheet that lists these "Value Adds" : PROTRIM & TINT PROTECTION PACKAGE ($1195)/ PPLATE WINDSHIELD ($799)/ PPLATE APPEARANCE ($499) for a total of $2500 additional. I have searched the forums and internet and cannot find anything related to "PROTRIM" , "TINT PROTECTION" or "PPLATE".

Can anyone shed any light on what these are, other than excess dealer markup? I don't mind paying for something of value but not sure if these are insurance, coatings, or PPF (which we DON'T want). Help please...
they are not markups on the MSRP per's a wording game that the dealership is using....they are dealer (forced) options that are highly marked up and profitable for them. Essentially, the items financing tries to ram down your throat when doing paperwork up front. lol

They are trying to mask a markup, by giving you something "tangible" rather than just a straight up increase in cost.

Be ready to walk if they don't remove those items.
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they are not markups on the MSRP per's a wording game that the dealership is using....they are dealer (forced) options that are highly marked up and profitable for them. Essentially, the items financing tries to ram down your throat when doing paperwork up front. lol

They are trying to mask a markup, by giving you something "tangible" rather than just a straight up increase in cost.

Be ready to walk if they don't remove those items.
...after waiting 18mo for a Luxury+ with our color choice and NOT all-black interior, "walking" is not a good option for a $2500 "value add" on an $85k vehicle. Just wish anyone could shed light on "PROTRIM" or "PPlate" so I know if it's a real product or perhaps something the dealer's shop just made up.
When we first got on our dealers waitlist almost 18mo ago for a specific color and style (Eminent White Pearl & Luxury+), we were informed there wouldn't be any dealer add-on. But now that we FINALLY got allocated for one of the first 2025 GX550s, we were sent the Factory Build sheet along with a cover sheet that lists these "Value Adds" : PROTRIM & TINT PROTECTION PACKAGE ($1195)/ PPLATE WINDSHIELD ($799)/ PPLATE APPEARANCE ($499) for a total of $2500 additional. I have searched the forums and internet and cannot find anything related to "PROTRIM" , "TINT PROTECTION" or "PPLATE".

Can anyone shed any light on what these are, other than excess dealer markup? I don't mind paying for something of value but not sure if these are insurance, coatings, or PPF (which we DON'T want). Help please...
I wouldn’t walk away but I would ask my salesman exactly what these dealer added items were. If he can show you some value then you should move to purchase. They will not remove these items since they know the next customer is only too happy to jump in.
...after waiting 18mo for a Luxury+ with our color choice and NOT all-black interior, "walking" is not a good option for a $2500 "value add" on an $85k vehicle. Just wish anyone could shed light on "PROTRIM" or "PPlate" so I know if it's a real product or perhaps something the dealer's shop just made up.
In my opinion, it sounds like they are trying to charge you $2,500 for a Ceramic coat. For the prices listed, I don't think it is PPF. Names sound like dealer marketing

PPLATE = PermaPlate is my guess.

If walking is not an option, it sounds like you might be have to pay $2,500 regardless of what it is. That's kinda where the dealer has the power since they know you've already waited 18 months.
There are no value-adds here. They are 100%, very strictly speaking, trying to fleece you because they have you where they want you. You're excited the truck has finally come in, you're ready to roll, they shall fleece you for an extra $2500 that will get lost in the shuffle as you pose for photos with the big red bow. Sure, some shmuck will roll some saran-wrap equivalent over the hood of your new truck...they're getting everyone for that B.S. Sign here, drive away, pay the $2500 last-minute profit center cash grab. Sorry, but this is the truth.
Well here’s the thing. I spoke with the director of a local Lexus dealership and he was very straight forward and upfront with me, saying he hates this crazy situation for both the GX and LX and instead of him and his sales staff being classic car sale people, they have become banks to manage and hold everyone’s deposits and then full time secretaries having to deal with everyone’s impatience calling in every other month to find out where they sit on the wait list.

He went on to tell me that Lexus Canada has told all dealers they must add certain add-ons to each contract else no deal. It’s not a per dealer thing, it’s the entire province and possibly country based on what they were told is part of the sale.

I believe besides PPF paint protection, it was also a 3-year maintenance plan ($2k), and a TAG tracking system ($700 I believe).

And if you say no way, they will gladly show you the door because all the people before and likely after will just pay up in order to get onto the list for the hyped truck.

He finally said that everyone in this situation is crazy to wait years for a vehicle and would personally never wait even 6 months for one and would simply change for something else more available. I told him my story of waiting 2 years by purchasing out of province else would have been 3 years if I had waited locally for my C8 corvette.
Typically, if this implies PPF/Ceramic, the work or quality isn’t as good as a shop that specializes in that work.

That being said, since you’ve waited 18 months it might be worth it anyways if you want/need a GX now.
It's a dealer added paint protection film, applied by a cut rate shop, most likely without a warrant. I really boils down to how bad to you want the vehicle.

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