When we first got on our dealers waitlist almost 18mo ago for a specific color and style (Eminent White Pearl & Luxury+), we were informed there wouldn't be any dealer add-on. But now that we FINALLY got allocated for one of the first 2025 GX550s, we were sent the Factory Build sheet along with a cover sheet that lists these "Value Adds" : PROTRIM & TINT PROTECTION PACKAGE ($1195)/ PPLATE WINDSHIELD ($799)/ PPLATE APPEARANCE ($499) for a total of $2500 additional. I have searched the forums and internet and cannot find anything related to "PROTRIM" , "TINT PROTECTION" or "PPLATE".
Can anyone shed any light on what these are, other than excess dealer markup? I don't mind paying for something of value but not sure if these are insurance, coatings, or PPF (which we DON'T want). Help please...
Can anyone shed any light on what these are, other than excess dealer markup? I don't mind paying for something of value but not sure if these are insurance, coatings, or PPF (which we DON'T want). Help please...