💵 For Sale Lexus GX550 Overtrail+ Factory Roof Rack For Sale - Houston $1000


Feb 13, 2024
I am a little early on this, but I wanted to post that I will be selling my factory roof rack when my Overtrail+ comes in sometime in the next few weeks.

I am paying $1580+ tax but will let it go for $1000.

Let me know if you are interested.
I am a little early on this, but I wanted to post that I will be selling my factory roof rack when my Overtrail+ comes in sometime in the next few weeks.

I am paying $1580+ tax but will let it go for $1000.

Let me know if you are interested.
Not sure what dealership you are working through but our GX was originally coming with the PIO OT roof rack and I was able to have it taken off the PIO list and the $1580 deducted from price. Ours wasn’t even on the boat yet when we requested that though.
I was unable to remove the roof rack from our order in advance. But my family insisted we keep it because they like the look so much.
I don’t think I’m stepping on your toes as I’m a thousand miles away from you….but I too would like to unload mine (I’m In Minneapolis).
I am a little early on this, but I wanted to post that I will be selling my factory roof rack when my Overtrail+ comes in sometime in the next few weeks.

I am paying $1580+ tax but will let it go for $1000.

Let me know if you are interested.
Still for sale?