2024 GX550 owners should be compensated

Yeah, I understand that part. I'm 700 miles in and haven't heard anything yet, but would like to know if I got the newer brake setup since mine is a 2024 delivered right around the switch over to 2025 models (mid Feb 2025).
Yeah, I was joking, sorry. Waiting on mine to be replaced.
My brake squeal started around 1500 miles and stopped around 5000 miles. Before it stopped the dealer told me they were waiting on parts. I have about 6000 miles on it now and the squeal hasn’t come back. I know it sounds crazy, but I recently switched to the Chem Guys Diablo wheel cleaner and I always get some on the brake rotors?
Received my OT+ about two weeks ago and have about 1125 miles on it now. No squeal, no flutter but there is a lot of wind noise from OT rack. Makes me want to not open the moon roof and to remove that rack someday.
My GX arrived 3 weeks ago from the port. The "new" calipers are UGLY. Looks like something off a Russian farm truck. But they don't squeal.
Yep. Mine look like porous rock, no joke.
I just took my GX in for its first service to address the notorious passenger seat massage not working and the brake squeal. The dealership told me Lexus is only sending them one brake replacement kit per month and they will have to call me when "mine" arrives which sounds like it could be a while.
I love my 550 for the most part, but having had to remove the stock roof rack and continuing to be embarrassed by the extremely loud brake squeal, I truly think
Lexus should offer us free maintenance for at least an additional year. I'm sure it will get tossed in the trash, but I'm going to send the GM at Park Place an email this weekend with this suggestion.
Keep dreaming, not the first vehicle with an issue that had to be flushed out during the first year. Plenty of manufacturers have much bigger issues. So your brakes make noise, turn your music up until Lexus gets to you to fix it. My biggest issue with the GX is how much owners are complaining about minutia.
I love my 550 for the most part, but having had to remove the stock roof rack and continuing to be embarrassed by the extremely loud brake squeal, I truly think
Lexus should offer us free maintenance for at least an additional year. I'm sure it will get tossed in the trash, but I'm going to send the GM at Park Place an email this weekend with this suggestion.
Has anyone seen any official note or update regarding this or are they ignoring the issue? I'm living with it but it's annoying
Wow, that's hideous. I've never been tempted to paint brake calipers, but these may require it. For those who've had it done, how big a PITA was it? Seems like it would be a few steps that may require multiple shops, and your vehicle would be out of service for some time.
I've had calipers painted on other vehicles and it's not a PITA at all. We have lots of shops locally who do it (in Raleigh, NC). Last I had it done it was $550. for all 4, including vehicle logo applied, and 2 days in the shop. The calipers on my Audi looked like they were made of stone. They were terrible looking.
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I was told 3-4 months wait time to get my brakes replaced.

I loath to hit the brakes while backing up. I'm not sure squeal is
an adequate term for the noise it makes.
I live in California and my service department said it would take three days to get the parts I go in on Monday to get my brakes fixed. How can I charge Lexus three hours of my life?

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