Considering GX550 as first Lexus purchase (Test Drive Impressions)

You can't go wrong with Lexus. The reliability is beyond anything out on the market today. I have owned 4 GX's, 470's and 460's and now a new 550 OT I got a month ago. I put a lot of miles on my autos.
Yes the tech on the Beamers is at the top but it comes at the expense of reliability. I've never had any mechanical issues with any of the GXs. The only thing I had to repair was a water pump on one with 150,000 miles and the suspension air bags on one with 225,000. That 470 went 280,000 miles before it got totaled by a guy running from the police. Slammed into the front of it trying to turn off a freeway at high speed. At 280,000 it ran like it was new. I do all the services required an change oil at 5,000 miles even though the say change oil every 10,000 miles. By the way maintenance costs is much lower on Lexus vehicles.
The new 550 is the best one in my opinion so far. From looks to comfort and utility you can't beat it. It rides a bit rougher than the 470 and 460 but that eliminated the excessive lean around corners. It seems to be much more stable and a pleasure to drive. Some of the complaints I agree with like the cooler box, useless, hood flutter, annoying and small gas tank also annoying. Tech for me is perfect. Plenty of customizations are available from ride, type of terrain, configuration of the metering, safety choices and many other selections.

You won't find anything out there that combines luxury, off road ability and reliability that the GX offers. All that said this is a new model GX so I am hoping the reliability is on par with my last 4 GX's.
I will also add that Lexus hit the mark with the styling of the vehicle. The only thing close is the LR Defender and we all know the poor reliability record of LR.

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