Overtrail Roof Rack - Noise Reductions?

Did the same thing as Yellowlab on our Premium Plus platform rack. Wrapped paracord on the front and it substantially reduced wind noise when cruising 60-75+ mph. Doesn't eliminate the noise but it makes the car so much more bearable driving on the highway. This is a tried and true inexpensive method to reduce wind noise on roof racks or cross bars. To reduce the wind noise further, you can also try to wrap the other cross bars further back. It does look "unsightly" though. I did not remove the rubber gasket at the front but the cord kind of wraps the gasket to the rack.

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Glad it worked for you - does make such a difference!
For what it is worth, I made another change in an attempt to further reduce wind noise from the OT roof rack. I moved the roof rack back exactly six inches. Doing so required carefully drilling holes to locate the roof rack supports, and then kinda redrilling the holes for one that needed to be slightly higher on the rail. It was not a simple task, but the result looked pretty cool in that it lines it up to look more aerodynamic. It also put the rack at the back edge of the sunroof so it no longer obstructs the view. As a safety benefit, if i was ever to accidentally drive into a pond, I could open the sunroof and climb out without the roof rack blocking my escape.

Unfortunately it did nothing for wind noise reduction.


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Finally had enough of the roof rack wind noise. Pulled off the rack this morning in about 30 minutes. Noise is gone. I'd thought about adding a Prinsu roof rack, but I think I will just hold onto this one and in the "rare" event that I go tent camping and need the rack, I will just throw it back on there. I'd rather spend the money on a leveling kit and bigger tires.
how hard is it to take on and off? I like the idea of just putting it on when you need it.
how hard is it to take on and off? I like the idea of just putting it on when you need it.
The first time it will take you about 10 minutes to figure out out, after that you can take it off in under 5 minutes. You will need a flat blade screwdriver and a T30 Torx driver and it's definitely nice to have a helper when you lift the roof rack off.
I did wrap the front 'blade' of the OT Roof rack with black 4mm paracord from Amazon. Noticed a significant noise reduction when getting above 50mph - about 40-50% quieter. I'll need to clean up the alignment - but so far pleased with the result

However the increased drag and weight will now cost me a .0003mpg efficiency loss which in this car is huge...
I have a major issue tying a string around it as a fix on an $80k vehicle. Not happy right now since I just got mine installed.

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