Suggestions for driving in heavy snow

Does the GX have a different 4WD system than the landcruiser? I think it does, just different suspension.
Unsure if different 4wd system, as haven’t done any research on LC, but know the vehicle is close. This model in particular had the same options for hi/lo and center/rear diffs
All the off road buttons will get you out of the ditch. They will not help you avoid the ditch.

Drive with open diffs, keep your speed in check, and do everything just a bit slower than you otherwise would. Braking, acceleration, even steering all needs to be done a bit more deliberately.

You will never need 4Lo, momentum is your friend in deep snow. You can lock up center if you want at low speeds but about 15mph it doesn’t matter anymore.

On cold highways patches of snow have grip, bare pavement and ice does not. Position your tires on the snow.

Keep your tank above half, never know when you might need to spend the night and want heat.

Sincerely - Canada
All good advice. As I taught my sons when learning to drive here in Vermont winters, just keeping speed down a bit and watching for the idiots who don’t will keep you safe in most snow conditions. We use snow tires religiously, one avoided fender bender more than pays for them. And be especially careful when temps rise then drop overnight, often snow melt freezes into black ice on the road. Good luck and drive safely.
All good advice. As I taught my sons when learning to drive here in Vermont winters, just keeping speed down a bit and watching for the idiots who don’t will keep you safe in most snow conditions. We use snow tires religiously, one avoided fender bender more than pays for them. And be especially careful when temps rise then drop overnight, often snow melt freezes into black ice on the road. Good luck and drive safely.
I will take a 2 wheel drive sedan with snow tires all day over a 4wd SUV without in snow. Also, snow tires don't really cost that much outside of having to swap them back and forth each winter since you are putting wear on two different sets of tires.
I live in the Mid-south and we’re about to get our first major snow of this winter. Usually only get 1, maybe 2 heavy snows that coat the ground a year.

For those who live up north and get regular snow, any suggestions on best driving procedures in heavy snow in regards to engaging lockers. Do you only engage when stuck? Lock the center diff and call it a day?

Any suggestions?
I live in Wisconsin and got my GX 550 6 weeks ago. I am hoping for snow! Curious about your definition of heavy snow. Mine is 8+ inches. Otherwise schools are open and life goes on. I don’t intend to use any other features with snow. You won’t need any “locker” center or rear. Probably won't need to drop into “low” either. You have a very capable vehicle that will perform well in the environment you describe, as well as most others. Should we get 12” of snow I will do nothing differently, other than try to get my GX out on the road before it gets plowed! The truck is a beast….You just need to get in it and drive. (Disclaimer, you need to use good judgement, of course. I’m not encouraging you to do something that makes you uncomfortable.) Me, bring on the snow!!!!
I live in the Mid-south and we’re about to get our first major snow of this winter. Usually only get 1, maybe 2 heavy snows that coat the ground a year.

For those who live up north and get regular snow, any suggestions on best driving procedures in heavy snow in regards to engaging lockers. Do you only engage when stuck? Lock the center diff and call it a day?

Any suggestions?
Just drive normal. I live in Montana snow conditions all of my life and you just slow down if icy and otherwise drive normal. Four wheel drive give you better traction but does not stop you quicker so just be careful.
Be careful folks. Not worth sliding your shiny new GX into a ditch..and incurring damage, long wait for repairs and parts, plus likely insurance hit.
And on roads like these with no guard rails…one tiny f-up and you and your passengers are goners over the cliff. 😕

EDIT: I meant to add..just my personal experience with the locking center diff on packed snow and icy, refrozen roads - you end up removing significant ability for the vehicle to correct and “straighten itself out” and keep you on the road. That’s with ‘92 LC, ‘98 LC, 2010 4R Limited (full time 4wd), etc. YMMV.
At the very least..find a large empty lot and try various combinations of settings to be sure how this vehicle systems behave. 😊


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I agree with others the GX550 is a beast in the snow! We’re blessed with constant snow and freezing here in Vermont last few weeks and I am enjoying driving it in snow and ice.. caveat I have snow tires. The car is so assured and stable in poor weather conditions. On pavement, let the car do its thing, don’t recommend using lockers , your wheels could actually slip when cornering wirh diff locked on snow or slippery pavement. Maybe turn off traction control to get more grip and contact.

I think what is most important is good winter tires.. beats any type of traction control system . if you can’t get snow tires, next best would be 3 peak or all weather tires.
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I live in the Mid-south and we’re about to get our first major snow of this winter. Usually only get 1, maybe 2 heavy snows that coat the ground a year.

For those who live up north and get regular snow, any suggestions on best driving procedures in heavy snow in regards to engaging lockers. Do you only engage when stuck? Lock the center diff and call it a day?

Any suggestions?
Make sure you read your manual on using the diff locks. Usually they are for off-road use, heavy deep snow all slow driving stuff. If you would forget to turn it off when you get to regular pavement you could cause some damage. And from what I’ve been reading Lexus is not on having parts available for the new model GX. Diff locks are great just MAKE SURE you read that paragraph in your manual.
People have driven on pavement in 4Hi ( aka center dif locked ) since the beginning of time. Your vehicle will not immediately bind up and explode, you would need to be at full lock to really notice any binding.

It’s not that big of a deal.
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