VF Tuner ECU/TCU Tuning for the GX550

Thank you everyone we sincerely appreciate the support.

Our february sale ends in 2 days, and our CAN connect cable components are on the way.
Our CAN connect pieces have arrived, we will be building the harnesses and get pending orders out. Thank you everyone!
The problem I experienced was in DOWNshifting from second to first, as when you are decelerating as you approach a stop light or stop sign. This truck has a very aggressive downshift program (too aggressive in my opinion - should let you coast along in higher gears in Eco mode). When you are nearly stopped the truck jumps into first clunks and stutters and lurches a bit. It almost feels like you hit a big pothole and got a little bump from the car behind you all at the same time.

On a completely different note, I am very interested in your tuning package. I had it in my shopping cart but I'm waiting for someone else on this board to go first on this one!
Bringing this back up, Does the transmission tune address this downshifting issue when coming to a stop?
Is it possible for you guys to tune the VF tuner for the type of fuel used here in Australia? ie the premium 98? It's got a higher octane rating than that found in the US.
Be patient. It’s an early market product.
VF tuning is former Orange Virus Tuning and have been around for some time and have done great work for the Toyota community.
It sounds like getting the dongle cable right has been mess but I’m optimistic they’ll get this figured out.
Yes it's 98RON
should be fine with our premium octane tune, we can add a 93 octane option to the tune package. That's no problem at all, it can just run a little more boost with 93.

All components are here, we are preparing now, several of you have pending tracking numbers, these numbers will update very soon.

I sincerely appreciate everyones patience. thank you for supporting us.


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