GX550 Overtrail Vibration

We don’t have “Lemon Law” in Australia. We have the Consumer Guarantee but it comes down to the interpretation of “major fault” and “reasonable time”. If they can’t fix it the next time they take it, I will be asking for a replacement vehicle.
Ya I think I saw you say Au so no lemon law there but glad they have something in place that protects the consumer
I’m no expert on how this works but does anybody think it could be a faulty sensor within the AVS system? How does the GX sense how much weight is in the vehicle? Maybe the weight sensor is detecting load and stiffening the suspension as a result. Hence the chattering effect when going over uneven surfaces. Just a thought
We don’t have “Lemon Law” in Australia. We have the Consumer Guarantee but it comes down to the interpretation of “major fault” and “reasonable time”. If they can’t fix it the next time they take it, I will be asking for a replacement vehicle.
Which Lexus dealer did you get the car from may I ask, I picked mine up from Parramatta Lexus, I have some vibration issues in the back but not as bad as some of the poor folks in here.
Which Lexus dealer did you get the car from may I ask, I picked mine up from Parramatta Lexus, I have some vibration issues in the back but not as bad as some of the poor folks in here.
Lexus Brisbane (Fortitude Valley). Spoke with their Service guys again today, and they are arranging a “Specialist“ to set up sensors and log all the telemetry to determine what rotates at the same speed of the vibration. Just waiting on confirmation of the specialist‘s availability. It’s been a disappointing experience so far… the Vibration was reported to them the day I picked up the car (October). Also discovered a paint chip (repaired and flawless job done). I have the squealing brakes but the service bulletin only applies to US models, Lexus Au don’t acknowledge that one yet. I now have the rattle in the driver door/pillar and still have the vibration. And to top it off, my contract has Encore Platinum 2.0 listed but they don’t want to honour that. I understand that Lexus pulled out from offering Platinum to GX owners but I have that service listed on my contract and an equivalent service is available, just in 12mth blocks. I have asked them to provide 3 years of that service which gives me the same benefits but they haven’t replied to that yet. I should be excited about my purchase, but right now all I feel is regret…
That’s really sh$t mate, I hope they first find the faults with the vibrations as we are all suffering with this crap in some degree and then they should honour your encore platinum, you pay enough for the car in Aus you deserve the coverage.
I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you.
General question: if you had an issue like this, does one HAVE to go to the dealer they bought from or can you go to any dealer?
General question: if you had an issue like this, does one HAVE to go to the dealer they bought from or can you go to any dealer?

I think you can go to any Lexus dealer. However, I would start with the dealer I bought the car from first.

Did the tire replacement/road force balance take care of the vibration for you? It did help in my case but didn't completely go away.
I think you can go to any Lexus dealer. However, I would start with the dealer I bought the car from first.

Did the tire replacement/road force balance take care of the vibration for you? It did help in my case but didn't completely go away.
+1 on the road force balance. Made a huge difference but I still have an ever so slight vibration (I call it jitter or echo) when I go over bumps in the city (like cracks in the road). I’m driving an Executive with after market rims and winters that I bought from the dealership when I bought the car.

I’m going to go back a see if I can drive a demo car and compare.

I’m in Canada - Ontario and it’s -10c. Might be a factor I will determine after test drive.
So there's still nobody who's driven one with the vibration and one without back to back? How can we make this happen?
This is what needs to happen.

Just the other day we were cruising down the highway to the in-laws' house at about 90 mph (we were running late) and my wife commented how smooth this truck is....and I'm rolling on 35s. I can't imagine what this vibration is that so many people are experiencing.
+1 on the road force balance. Made a huge difference but I still have an ever so slight vibration (I call it jitter or echo) when I go over bumps in the city (like cracks in the road). I’m driving an Executive with after market rims and winters that I bought from the dealership when I bought the car.

I’m going to go back a see if I can drive a demo car and compare.

I’m in Canada - Ontario and it’s -10c. Might be a factor I will determine after test drive.

Keep us posted. Interestingly enough, I noticed the ride is smoother with cold temperatures. I'm running stock OT wheels and tires. When cold outside (40's, it is Texas!), I see the tires are at 34-35 psi when warmed up. It rides smoother than that at normal TX temps. The tires would be around ~ 37 psi warmed up.

After the road force balance, the washboard feeling has been mostly at certain speed ranges (40-50 and 70-80 mph). It's still no steering wheel shaking, just that washboard/jitter feeling.
What you are experiencing is due to the roof rack. The roof racks on these are causing significant vibration that is felt as something off in the vehicle, many people are reporting it here. It is caused by wind buffeting at higher speeds....the worst is the factory roof basked, second are the cross rails. I'm looking to potentially acquire an Overtrail+ and then customize it at Westcott Designs here in PHX (offroad builder). They just posted a video about it on their Instagram page.

Others have reported that as soon as they removed the factory roof add-ons it went away. Try it!

In my case, this would lead me to not purchase these options from the factory and go aftermarket, assuming they can get this ironed out on the test vehicle first.

There are also reported issues of the hood being loose, vibrating at speeds which could also contribute to what people are seeing. In one case, a dealer sent a customer's car to a body shop which re-glued the support grid back into the bottom of the hood.
Just took delivery of an OT+ this week and wish I had discovered this thread and page before doing so. I love the truck, except for the ride which is, unfortunately, exactly as others have described here in terms of feeling like driving on a washboard road if you encounter even the slightest road imperfections. The ride over speed bumps and large holes/bumps is actually quite good. The suspension seems completely unable to deal with minor road imperfections. I've owned and/or driven several body-on-frame vehicles before and understand that I shouldn't expect it to be buttery smooth, but it is absolutely miserable to drive at times. As others have said, it is inconsistent. While I only have about 300 miles, it seems to come and go. Yesterday wasn't too bad. Today was awful. Same roads. Same basic weather. No real reason to it.

I'm hoping it works itself out as a few others have apparently experienced, but definitely having some regret at the moment. Test driving before delivery wasn't really an option for me and, quite frankly, while I noticed some odd vibrations pulling out of the dealer lot, the ride the rest of the way home (about 115 miles) wasn't bad, so I figured it was just a fluke.

I do not have the roof rack on mine. That's not the issue for me. I also don't really notice it getting appreciably worse above 70 MPH. If anything, my ride usually improves as I go faster. It's worst for me around town, but also noticeable on the interstate from time to time.
Just took delivery of an OT+ this week and wish I had discovered this thread and page before doing so. I love the truck, except for the ride which is, unfortunately, exactly as others have described here in terms of feeling like driving on a washboard road if you encounter even the slightest road imperfections. The ride over speed bumps and large holes/bumps is actually quite good. The suspension seems completely unable to deal with minor road imperfections. I've owned and/or driven several body-on-frame vehicles before and understand that I shouldn't expect it to be buttery smooth, but it is absolutely miserable to drive at times. As others have said, it is inconsistent. While I only have about 300 miles, it seems to come and go. Yesterday wasn't too bad. Today was awful. Same roads. Same basic weather. No real reason to it.

I'm hoping it works itself out as a few others have apparently experienced, but definitely having some regret at the moment. Test driving before delivery wasn't really an option for me and, quite frankly, while I noticed some odd vibrations pulling out of the dealer lot, the ride the rest of the way home (about 115 miles) wasn't bad, so I figured it was just a fluke.

I do not have the roof rack on mine. That's not the issue for me. I also don't really notice it getting appreciably worse above 70 MPH. If anything, my ride usually improves as I go faster. It's worst for me around town, but also noticeable on the interstate from time to time.

I suggest you take it to the dealer to check it out and to be documented just in case. Lexus is aware and has been advising the service departments to treat it as tire vibration issue. At some point, the dealer was required to take some vibration measures, not sure if it is still the case. They will start by road force balancing and possibly replacing the tires if they can't balance them. It improved the vibration on mine but didn't completely resolve the issue. I guess I got used to it. I hope everything works out. Good luck!
Just took delivery of an OT+ this week and wish I had discovered this thread and page before doing so. I love the truck, except for the ride which is, unfortunately, exactly as others have described here in terms of feeling like driving on a washboard road if you encounter even the slightest road imperfections. The ride over speed bumps and large holes/bumps is actually quite good. The suspension seems completely unable to deal with minor road imperfections. I've owned and/or driven several body-on-frame vehicles before and understand that I shouldn't expect it to be buttery smooth, but it is absolutely miserable to drive at times. As others have said, it is inconsistent. While I only have about 300 miles, it seems to come and go. Yesterday wasn't too bad. Today was awful. Same roads. Same basic weather. No real reason to it.

I'm hoping it works itself out as a few others have apparently experienced, but definitely having some regret at the moment. Test driving before delivery wasn't really an option for me and, quite frankly, while I noticed some odd vibrations pulling out of the dealer lot, the ride the rest of the way home (about 115 miles) wasn't bad, so I figured it was just a fluke.

I do not have the roof rack on mine. That's not the issue for me. I also don't really notice it getting appreciably worse above 70 MPH. If anything, my ride usually improves as I go faster. It's worst for me around town, but also noticeable on the interstate from time to time.
I still don’t understand why it seems to be intermittent. Makes me think its a AVS/E-KDSS issue
+1 on the road force balance. Made a huge difference but I still have an ever so slight vibration (I call it jitter or echo) when I go over bumps in the city (like cracks in the road). I’m driving an Executive with after market rims and winters that I bought from the dealership when I bought the car.

I’m going to go back a see if I can drive a demo car and compare.

I’m in Canada - Ontario and it’s -10c. Might be a factor I will determine after test drive.
I get the same vibrations going over small cracks and bumps here in Sydney, it’s very frustrating there is no real fix for this issue. It’s like a back seat chatter…
Just want to update on here. I’m now running a Dobinsons MRR lift with the settings at the softest, tires are C-rated BFG AT KO2 at around 30-32 psi. Unfortunately, I still feel like the truck is over sensitive to the minor bumps. My body roll is completely gone now and the truck handles wonderfully. Lexus probably won’t do anything at all now that I swapped suspension, deleted AVS, and different tires. But I can now say that it’s maybe NOT the AVS or the shocks, and that’s what Lexus is saying the sensation is. I kind of get used to the ride, but then as soon as I drive my 2010 4Runner I’m reminded of how smooth the GX could/should be when going over minor bumps/cracks in the road etc. I am waiting on bumpers and some other things that’ll add weight but overall I still think it’s the eKDSS or the frame or body mounts/bushings. I also notice the rough idle of the engine while parked and feel it through my seat in a similar way to how I feel the small bumps. Lastly, I acknowledge that this may not even bother some people, but it doesn’t change the fact that it SHOULD feel smoother than a 15 year old 4Runner and countless other vehicles. Still love the truck but this one thing has been a disappointment.
Just want to update on here. I’m now running a Dobinsons MRR lift with the settings at the softest, tires are C-rated BFG AT KO2 at around 30-32 psi. Unfortunately, I still feel like the truck is over sensitive to the minor bumps. My body roll is completely gone now and the truck handles wonderfully. Lexus probably won’t do anything at all now that I swapped suspension, deleted AVS, and different tires. But I can now say that it’s maybe NOT the AVS or the shocks, and that’s what Lexus is saying the sensation is. I kind of get used to the ride, but then as soon as I drive my 2010 4Runner I’m reminded of how smooth the GX could/should be when going over minor bumps/cracks in the road etc. I am waiting on bumpers and some other things that’ll add weight but overall I still think it’s the eKDSS or the frame or body mounts/bushings. I also notice the rough idle of the engine while parked and feel it through my seat in a similar way to how I feel the small bumps. Lastly, I acknowledge that this may not even bother some people, but it doesn’t change the fact that it SHOULD feel smoother than a 15 year old 4Runner and countless other vehicles. Still love the truck but this one thing has been a disappointment.
This is a really good insight and puts to bed the issues being related to the wheels, tyre balancing and suspension, it absolutely should be much smoother and it is a disgrace Lexus are not all over this issue like a fly on poop! 💩
Just took delivery of an OT+ this week and wish I had discovered this thread and page before doing so. I love the truck, except for the ride which is, unfortunately, exactly as others have described here in terms of feeling like driving on a washboard road if you encounter even the slightest road imperfections. The ride over speed bumps and large holes/bumps is actually quite good. The suspension seems completely unable to deal with minor road imperfections. I've owned and/or driven several body-on-frame vehicles before and understand that I shouldn't expect it to be buttery smooth, but it is absolutely miserable to drive at times. As others have said, it is inconsistent. While I only have about 300 miles, it seems to come and go. Yesterday wasn't too bad. Today was awful. Same roads. Same basic weather. No real reason to it.

I'm hoping it works itself out as a few others have apparently experienced, but definitely having some regret at the moment. Test driving before delivery wasn't really an option for me and, quite frankly, while I noticed some odd vibrations pulling out of the dealer lot, the ride the rest of the way home (about 115 miles) wasn't bad, so I figured it was just a fluke.

I do not have the roof rack on mine. That's not the issue for me. I also don't really notice it getting appreciably worse above 70 MPH. If anything, my ride usually improves as I go faster. It's worst for me around town, but also noticeable on the interstate from time to time.
I have a new GX550 OT+ and I am experiencing the exact same issues. Going 25 mph over tiny tar strips on suburban roads is like bouncing on a washboard, with the suspension “jiggling”, as if it is too sensitive, stiff, and improperly dampened. The passenger seat visibly shakes with jittery jolts from small road imperfections at moderate speeds, 20-45 mph. Driving over large bumps feels fairly normal, and going 75 mph down the freeway is normal, truck-like and fairly smooth with no vibrations. Loading with 5 adult passengers makes no difference—it is still jittery at moderate speeds.
I have confirmed that it is much worse on some days, and then not nearly as bad on other days, on the same exact roads. I still suspect that AVS might be part of the issue, and I’m not aware of any owners with Premium, Premium+, and Luxury models reporting this issue (and they don’t have AVS). Luxury+ has AVS like the OT and OT+ but I don’t know if Lux+ owners have reported this issue.
I’ve driven 4Runners, a GX460, and a Jeep Wranglers and Rubicons. Although they had firm suspensions, they didn’t bounce around and behave jittery/washboard like the GX550 OT+. It’s also curious that the 2025 model year OT/OT+ has a 1-inch “suspension lift”. I wonder if they addressed other suspension issues at the same time—I really want to test drive a 2025 OT+.
Lexus has done the typical wheel/tire replacement for me which makes no difference whatsoever. It is not a vibration from imbalanced wheels or defective tires. I am still working with them to resolve the issue.
Just want to update on here. I’m now running a Dobinsons MRR lift with the settings at the softest, tires are C-rated BFG AT KO2 at around 30-32 psi. Unfortunately, I still feel like the truck is over sensitive to the minor bumps. My body roll is completely gone now and the truck handles wonderfully. Lexus probably won’t do anything at all now that I swapped suspension, deleted AVS, and different tires. But I can now say that it’s maybe NOT the AVS or the shocks, and that’s what Lexus is saying the sensation is. I kind of get used to the ride, but then as soon as I drive my 2010 4Runner I’m reminded of how smooth the GX could/should be when going over minor bumps/cracks in the road etc. I am waiting on bumpers and some other things that’ll add weight but overall I still think it’s the eKDSS or the frame or body mounts/bushings. I also notice the rough idle of the engine while parked and feel it through my seat in a similar way to how I feel the small bumps. Lastly, I acknowledge that this may not even bother some people, but it doesn’t change the fact that it SHOULD feel smoother than a 15 year old 4Runner and countless other vehicles. Still love the truck but this one thing has been a disappointment.
If it were body mounts & bushings wouldn’t it affect all models? I really think some units have a defective sensor within the AVS or EKDSS

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