GX550 Real World MPG

Are you guys refreshing or restarting your truck's mileage computer while you are up & cruising on the highway, or are you restarting it (zeroing it out) immediately after filling up at the gas station pump?
I typically reset my trip meter each time I fill up, at the pump. However, I'm still on the first tank, so I haven't touched it. I also calculate by gallons pumped and miles driven.

Apparently, the GX trip computer calculates each 'session' of driving. I'm not used to such fanciness, but I'll take it.
I reset my "current" and "history" mpg after every fill-up, that way I see what the truck is calculating for that particular tank of fuel. It's under "Trip Information" under one of the settings menus.

A "trick" for really good mileage would be to reset the "history" while you're cruising along the highway at 65 mph. Then you don't get the penalty of city driving or accelerating up the on-ramp factored into your mileage.

I filled up yesterday morning, reset the truck's mpg history, and then cruised about 40 miles across town on the highway. I was at about 9.5 mpg for the mile or two from Costco gas to the highway. I set my cruise control at 65 mph, got in the slow lane, and cruise controlled the whole way. I got up to 18.7 mpg indicated, which is just over 20 mpg when I adjust up 7% for my larger tires. That's definitely an all-time high. I did accelerate up to about 80 mph to pass one big truck hauling dirt and blowing it all over the highway and I watched in horror as my mileage dropped off a cliff.

Then I went another 10 miles or so on surface streets and spent about 4 hours at 2 job sites, starting and stopping dozens of times and driving around a couple miles off road inspecting drainage features at big box Amazon warehouses. My mileage was in the 15s when I headed home.
I just did my first fill up today. The computer said my average MPG was 16.2, my calculated was 16.3 for overall, so, pretty close agreement. Overall, it was not bad as far as average, given that I spent some time at idle while I trying to figure out some of the stuff in the infotainment section.
Update to my MPG.

We went on a 400 mile trip to my sister's home. I filled up about 50 miles into the trip, and again after we got there. The first fill up was about 17.5 MPG, a combination of around town and highway. When I filled up after getting there, I calculated 19.5 MPG. Trip computer said 18.6. The tank took just over 17 gallons, and said I had 20 miles to empty.

I have 1404 miles.
Just drove ~1500 miles from Houston to North Central PA in my wifes OT. After owning it for 5 months she only had 1015 miles on it when we started as I am pretty sure she could have a bicycle instead of a car for day to day, but I did change the oil at 900 miles before we left (sent to Blackstone and waiting on results).

First of all we love this vehicle.

We have had zero issues and it's exceeding expectations on comfort, looks and capability thus far. We both walk away from it when parked as far away from any cars or carts at HEB and smile at the decision.

For the 20:48 hours of driving on trip it was in cruise between 75-80mph control enjoying everything about how much easier that assisted driving is. We averaged 18.2mpg for the trip with about a 50/50 split on comfort and eco. Not bad in my book considering we were loaded to brim with the Iceco, Christmas gifts, luggage for 2 weeks, an 80lb Weimaraner and all his gear.

Although it is refreshing fueling up cost wise with the tiny tank (anywhere south of PA fuel tax ubsurdity 🤬🤬) it is probably one of the only downsides of the new GX in our eyes. Although we already have the Wilco Hitch Swing for use on our other vehicles, I'm not excited about putting the spare on there just to fit the auxilary tank when LRA finishes the design for the 550. A pipe dream would be that someone came up with a replacement 26 gallon tank if the could make one fit in the OEM position.

Other side notes from the first trip:
  • Cool box works extremely well, but not worth the space it takes up
  • WTH is up with climate controls? Still working to figure it out with all the S-Flow and Eco settings but so far it's a little wonky with all the hot the cold then hot again.
  • Fold your mirrors in at speed to realize just how loud they are... my thoughts wondered on the drive about what kind of add-on modification will be designed to quiet that down, but fell down a 90's Madonna conically enhanced rabbit hole before being shut down by the GX reminding me to look forward in cruise.
  • Get the Weathertechs. Although the OT mats are better than normal, no where close to the Weathertechs as far a coverage and looks.
Will update following the return home. Merry Christmas everyone


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OT+. 17.4 combined. 14ish city. Highway @60-65 20-21. Interstate @80+ 17-18ish. Sorry to hear of the problems folks are having. Other than some hood flutter (that I could care less about) I’m loving mine so far. 1700 miles almost two months in.
Averaging about 18 to 19 MPG pretty consistently. Premium+, rural and highway mostly, very little city. Only have about 700 miles on it so far, and no long trips yet. Will do a lengthy road trip in spring, usually about 2,500 to 3k miles here in the western states, will be very curious to see what the mileage will be then.
Maybe it’s still in the break in period?
Have had mine on the west side of Houston. Haven’t seen mine that bad since taking possession in August. I was getting 15.8 around Houston. Took two road trips since mid November with the rig weighted up and I’m down to 15.4 at 7000 miles. The last trip (Houston to GA on Friday) was >900 miles on the highway and watched, and cried, as I saw it sink from 15.6 to 15.4 over that distance. Prevuosylt had changed the OEM roof rack, nothing up top, hung a cargo carrier off the hitch but that didn’t affect aerodynamics. Full tile
4WD is what’s killing us.
I'm at about 9,000 miles and just entered fill-up #34 on my spreadsheet. My average mpg is creeping up slowly. I'm averaging 14.19 overall. Last tank was 15.23. I've learned how to chill out on the highway and set the adaptive cruise at a reasonable 72 or so instead of 80+. On my truck with the larger tires, 72 is really more like 77 so I'm keeping up with traffic pretty well. On those runs I can hit 16 mpg or even a bit higher. On the few occasions where I'm running early and have no need for speed I can hit 18 mpg over a 20 or 30 mile highway trip. That seems to be my upper limit.
I'm at 4500 miles on mine. I just got back from a 1000 mile road trip. Using Normal drive mode running premium gas (some don't so wanted to specify) with stock tires at 35 psi and adaptive cruise set to 7 miles over the posted speed limit (mostly 77, sometimes 82) here's what I got for the 4 fill-ups according to Fuely [18.7, 16.8, 17.2, and 16.6]. I know the 18.7 and 17.2 are due to slower speeds going through/around St. Louis especially the 18.7 as I hit rush hour and was going 55 or less for most of it but not much stop and go. Coming back (17.2) was mid-day through St. Louis so keeping up with traffic was closer to 65-70 mph. The 16.8 was 98% interstate but included a tiny bit of city driving in Kansas City. The 16.6 was 98% interstate but also included a tiny bit of city driving when back home. And when I say tiny, maybe 15 miles total. I filled up at different intervals on the 4 tanks so mileage is not relevant.

For regular usage....In town with mostly city stop and go I'm averaging closer to 15 mpg. Tanks where I have a mix of city/highway (and it is mostly city still) I get around 17-18 mpg.

I have yet to drive a tank of gas on the highway at speeds of 65 or below. I bet I could get closer to 19-20 if I did that. I'm not sure that will ever happen though as that's just not a situation I am ever in.
Just drove ~1500 miles from Houston to North Central PA in my wifes OT. After owning it for 5 months she only had 1015 miles on it when we started as I am pretty sure she could have a bicycle instead of a car for day to day, but I did change the oil at 900 miles before we left (sent to Blackstone and waiting on results).

First of all we love this vehicle.

We have had zero issues and it's exceeding expectations on comfort, looks and capability thus far. We both walk away from it when parked as far away from any cars or carts at HEB and smile at the decision.

For the 20:48 hours of driving on trip it was in cruise between 75-80mph control enjoying everything about how much easier that assisted driving is. We averaged 18.2mpg for the trip with about a 50/50 split on comfort and eco. Not bad in my book considering we were loaded to brim with the Iceco, Christmas gifts, luggage for 2 weeks, an 80lb Weimaraner and all his gear.

Although it is refreshing fueling up cost wise with the tiny tank (anywhere south of PA fuel tax ubsurdity 🤬🤬) it is probably one of the only downsides of the new GX in our eyes. Although we already have the Wilco Hitch Swing for use on our other vehicles, I'm not excited about putting the spare on there just to fit the auxilary tank when LRA finishes the design for the 550. A pipe dream would be that someone came up with a replacement 26 gallon tank if the could make one fit in the OEM position.

Other side notes from the first trip:
  • Cool box works extremely well, but not worth the space it takes up
  • WTH is up with climate controls? Still working to figure it out with all the S-Flow and Eco settings but so far it's a little wonky with all the hot the cold then hot again.
  • Fold your mirrors in at speed to realize just how loud they are... my thoughts wondered on the drive about what kind of add-on modification will be designed to quiet that down, but fell down a 90's Madonna conically enhanced rabbit hole before being shut down by the GX reminding me to look forward in cruise.
  • Get the Weathertechs. Although the OT mats are better than normal, no where close to the Weathertechs as far a coverage and looks.
Will update following the return home. Merry Christmas everyone
Ultimately ended up with entire 3045 mile trip avg of 17.8 mpg with included 6 days of driving around town and in the "mountains" of PA. We ran 93 octane all but about 3 tanks which were 91 octane when that was all that was available. GX was mostly in "Comfort" mode with a speed of 77-82mph with a good variation of hills/flat roads from Houston to North Central PA. Vehicle was always loaded with far more that 2 people and a dog need for any trip.

Spent yesterday cleaning the GX and was surprised how easily the interior cleaned up perfectly with Chemical Bros InnerClean only and as always the ceramic coat is well worth the money (aftermarket). Walked away from the trip even happier with the GX than we were before we left minus the ridiculously impossible to "set and forget" climate control system which I will explore/post on the appropriate thread.


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Ultimately ended up with entire 3045 mile trip avg of 17.8 mpg with included 6 days of driving around town and in the "mountains" of PA. We ran 93 octane all but about 3 tanks which were 91 octane when that was all that was available. GX was mostly in "Comfort" mode with a speed of 77-82mph with a good variation of hills/flat roads from Houston to North Central PA. Vehicle was always loaded with far more that 2 people and a dog need for any trip.

Spent yesterday cleaning the GX and was surprised how easily the interior cleaned up perfectly with Chemical Bros InnerClean only and as always the ceramic coat is well worth the money (aftermarket). Walked away from the trip even happier with the GX than we were before we left minus the ridiculously impossible to "set and forget" climate control system which I will explore/post on the appropriate thread.
Your dealer can turn off S-flow, and i highly recommend having them do that. The climate controls get easier as you get used to them. I now have my seat and steering wheel on Auto, and climate control is on Auto, so all I do is adjust the temp control as needed and the rest happens automatically.
With all the negativity on real world mpg metrics I realize this doesn’t seem possible. Check out the mileage data I just witnessed on a recent routine drive while in ECO mode. I just turned 975 miles. For those still upset (rightfully so) I think there may be hope that mpg for our GXs will improve over time.
With all the negativity on real world mpg metrics I realize this doesn’t seem possible. Check out the mileage data I just witnessed on a recent routine drive while in ECO mode. I just turned 975 miles. For those still upset (rightfully so) I think there may be hope that mpg for our GXs will improve over time.
View attachment 8439
For that mileage you must have been on the back of a flatbed going down hill. I have very little faith in the MPG or range tracker - my GX OT+ had 41 miles left on the range. You would think it must be almost empty. Filled it up and put 13.5 gallons into the car - which means there was at least ~8 gallons still in the tank, yet showing 41 miles of range.....

On a side note - my wife and I were in Paso Robles over the weekend. Super Unleaded was $6.25 a gallon - hunted around and thought I found a deal at $5.89 at Chevron. What happens when your state is run by idiots.
With all the negativity on real world mpg metrics I realize this doesn’t seem possible. Check out the mileage data I just witnessed on a recent routine drive while in ECO mode. I just turned 975 miles. For those still upset (rightfully so) I think there may be hope that mpg for our GXs will improve over time.
View attachment 8439
no way, mate.... just got home from my second long trip, Florida x Utah, 2 weeks, almost entirely on cruise control within the road speed limits, eco mode... that can't be real. sometimes I regret not having chosen the Landcruiser with its hybrid engine. I wonder about its real-world mileage... quick google search on reddit tells me 21/22 and above. I 'm seriously considering switching to it whenever my time with the gx gets closer to an end (aka financing is about 85% over )

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